Mime documentation

mime is a scripting tool for text processing, inspired by Emacs Keyboard Macros.

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Mime is a scripting tool for text processing, inspired by Emacs.

Mime provides an editor-like abstraction for manipulating text files, but in a scripting environment, without an editor. This enables very sophisticated transformations that are easy to do through tools like Emacs Keyboard Macros, but hard to do in code.


Mime is designed to be familiar to Emacs users but also easy to learn and use for everyone. A lot of things you can do with Emacs Keyboard Macros can also be done with mime, but mime can also do a lot more than that.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages with using mime over Emacs:


  1. You get reproducibility in evironments where Emacs might not be available.
  2. The ability to document and check in your code to source control.
  3. Write text manipulation scripts that are much larger and more complex, than what an Emacs macro can be.
  4. Faster than an Emacs macros, especially when dealing with complex/unstructured data and for source code transformations.


  1. The biggest disadvantage is that mime is not Emacs, and it can never expect to match the amount of features provided by Emacs.
  2. Not visual, so it is possibly hard to get an intuitive understanding of how to use mime, without a lot of experience using Emacs macros.